The Book Of Creation

From Eldritch Worlds

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The book of creation is a record of Nah-Kalia's early history written by scribes who collated all the tales of pre-history that were passed down from mouth to mouth over the eons. It is speculated that once there was another planet such as Nah-Kalia that was dying and a race of beings known as the founders took the strongest people of that planet and brought them to this one. Two variations of this story exist. One states that the planet was dying as a direct result of its inhabitants and that the founders were men and women like us who fled the planet's destruction to settle here. Another states that the founders were other-worldly beings who took men and women away from a dying world so that they could start a new home on Nah-Kalia.

What the book of creation does agree on is that the founders had great knowledge and practiced great magicks. They sailed high in the sky between the stars in great metal boats and it was one of these boats that brought the early Nah-Kalians to their home. This boat was called the Arcan, and it had an ill-fated sister, the Titanus.


Foundationism is a relatively new religion, but it claims to have its roots in Nah-Kalia's pre-history. It has been adopted by many races, but mostly by the Andulon who have mostly abandoned their own religion in favour of foundationism.

Foundationism centers mainly around the founders, beings thought to have been responsible for all sentient races on Nah-Kalia. It is not known if the founders were ordinary men and women, or if they were beings of a different form. It is said that they came from the stars, bringing with them the first of the races to settle on Nah-Kalia.

There is much debate on the nature of the founders. Some say they were men and women like us. Others say they were a race of beings apart from men and women.

The basis of Foundationism is The Book of Creation. It is said to be a record of Nah-Kalia's early history written by scribes who collated all the tales of pre-history that were passed down from mouth to mouth over the eons.

Most people hold quite personal ceremonies in prayer to the founders. They turn to them for guidance in times of need, and sometimes congregate in small temples dedicated to them.

A devotee often prays at night, raising their heads to the stars. They say the prayers in their heads, believing that the founders can hear their thoughts.

The Cellestial Ships

The flying ships are said to have been great metal boats, larger than the greatest ciry. They sailed on the night sky, high above the clouds and between the stars.

It was one of these ships that brought the early Nah-Kalians to their home. This boat was called the Arcan, and it had an ill-fated sister, the Titanus.

It is said that the Titanus was the first to find Nah-Kalia. Her magicks failed and the great Titanus fell from the sky, smashing to bits on the ground below. As she died she sent up a black dust high into the air that blotted out the sun and caused many species of life to die out. It is believed that the impact crater that lies at the heart of the Bahazid desert is where Titanus fell.

The second boat, the Arcan, arrived after the black dust had gone. It settled safely in the center of the continent of Khlem, making the land around it fertile and releasing the early Nah-Kalians who spread out across the continent.

Some believe that after it had done this the Arcan rose once more into the sky to find another planet to make fertile. Others believe that it is on Nah-Kalia still, buried somewhere under the soil of the great Fey-Mal rainforest and waiting to be found and its secrets to be revealed.



The World

Disclaimer: The characters and stories portrayed in these pages are purely fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living, dead, or undead are purely coincidental.